Our accommodation is specifically for those who want to use mutual aid as a means to achieve and maintain abstinence based recovery from addiction to drugs and alcohol.
Tenure is by licence agreement and is initially for 6 months. This can be extended in appropriate circumstances but the accommodation is always “temporary”.
We provide supported accommodation where our residents can apply themselves to their abstinence based recovery.
Our staff deliver support and housing management. We do not provide treatment or personal care. Our residents are responsible for working their own programme of recovery using the local mutual aid fellowship meetings. Our project is principally a safe and supported community of like minded individuals who have made a conscious decision to engage in a Mutual Aid Community within the house.
Eligibility Criteria – please see the separate web page.
Referrals can be started by telephone, letter or email. On receipt of the application, and once eligibility has been established, an in person assessment will be offered. A copy of the Referral Form is HERE. Any current risk assessment should also be shared if possible.
During assessment we will:
Clarify the purpose of the admission in discussion with the professional referrer and the client so that an initial plan of support with relevant interventions can be in place from the point of admission, with proposed outcomes clearly defined;
Take a history of existing and past drug and alcohol use and previous treatment and detoxification episodes;
Clarify any psychiatric or medical issues, identifying their likely impact on engagement, and exploring if external support is needed to enable full participation.
Agree a proposed length of stay;
Carry out a comprehensive risk assessment around, for example, any history of violence, arson, self-harm, etc.
Note any existing drug prescriptions and other current medical treatment;
Define clearly any appropriate liaison arrangements;
Clarify transport arrangements to and from the Project;
On admission new residents will be introduced to the work of the Project. House rules and the general timetable will be explained.
The resident will then be shown around the Project and introduced to the staff on duty and existing residents. The individual members of the house Community will act as a buddy to the new resident.
New residents will be expected, and assisted, to register with the local GP practice unless they are currently registered with their own local GP in the area.
Each resident will be required to supply a saliva sample for drug and alcohol screening on admission.
Samples for screening may be requested randomly at any time during the resident’s stay. Screening may be requested to establish existing drug or alcohol use, other health matters, or as a result of concerns about the safety and security of the Project. Refusal to supply a sample may lead to the discharge of the resident.
In all cases a new resident will be allocated a Key-worker, who will be the responsible practitioner expected to oversee the support plan for that individual resident, and provide the majority of their one to one interventions. All residents are expected to engage in weekly one-one support sessions with their Key-worker.
A clear written support plan will be developed with the resident within the first two days of admission, taking account of the original goals outlined at referral. Every resident will receive a copy of their support plan. The support plan will list the goals and interventions in relation to that resident’s stay and, subject to review, indicate any longer term needs or goals that may need to be addressed. It will take account of:
Any medical interventions;
In-depth review of the resident’s previous life experiences and the connection with their current drug (and alcohol) related problems;
The recovery process;
Engagement with the mutual aid community
Practical issues which may need resolution, such as welfare benefits, making contact with family and relevant professionals.